Coming to our next stage analysis we are going to establish the Intervals w.r.t. Tonic.
Let me re-emphasize our earlier learning that , irrespective of any scale, the name of the each note from 1 to 7, it is called, Tonic, Super tonic, Mediant, Sub-Dominant, Dominant, Sub-Mediant & Leading note !
( and of course Octave, the repeated tonic note… to complete the scale..)
Also you remember that the intervals w.r.t. Tonic to other notes of a Major scale are
“ Everything is Major interval except the 4th and 5th which are Perfect interval"
Again recall, while converting Major to Minor, we effected changes in 3rd and 6th note by way of reduction of semitone….!
So the changes in case of intervals also shall be for the 3rd and 6th only which now changes from Major to Minor intervals ….thats all…..!
All other remain the same….!
By consolidating in our usual way, we get the following :

The above also clearly indicates our earlier understanding that, Major Scale can have minor intervals and a Minor scale can have Major intervals….!
For all other intervals between any note to any note in a Harmonic Minor scale, I am leaving that exercise to you to check for yourself, using our Standard Intervals Table given earlier….!
These Minor 3rd and Minor 6th intervals are the crucial one which makes the difference between the Major Scale and Minor Scale…!
So try that on key board repeatedly and feel it and register that in the mind strongly…!
So second part of analysis is also over for the Harmonic Minor Scale..
What next…? Listing of Harmonic Minor scales with Sharps and Flats…..!
Before jumping into that analysis, one question I want to pose to all of you…!
In case of Major scale, we started with a all pure white keys major scale viz.. C-Major…!
And then started traveling Perfect 5th upward for sharp and Perfect 5th downward for flats…!
To repeat that, in case of Minor scale also, “Can we get any Pure All White Minor scale to start with ?
Try and answer ! (I need not remind you that we should preserve the Pattern of Minor scale discussed above, when you try from each white key…! )
We will see the answer in next Lesson!
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