For all those who are having some apprehensions of various WCM terms being used in various discussions, and strongly believe that it is difficult to understand WCM:
I want to explain these in phased manner in simple (to the extent possible) way. On regular basis I want to put some hints kind of thing for casual reading !
Today we will see some general Concept of music only.
Just we will do the comparison of its building blocks like our language.
Language needs letters Alphabetical A to Z - Music also needs alphabetical viz. notes. Fortunately it needs only 7 letters A to G to denote seven notes.
Collection of letters form the words - Here also collection of various musical notes form the words like equivalent .
Words collected together form the sentence and convey some meaning - Here in music also collection of bunch of notes makes the musical phrases and convey certain feeling (sad, happy, comic, thrilling, frightening etc).
The way we talk with modulation, keeping a gap, with comma, semi colon, full stop etc., raising and lowering of voice etc. musical phrases also "express" its feelings through such equivalent technique .
Ok, we can just talk and communicate, but is that enough ?
We want to document, record and convey it to others, sometime we wanted to communicate without talking and this is done by writing ! Similarly music also needs to be written down for recording, documenting and conveying the exact meaning to others !
( Now you understand, How IR can maintain the disciplined silence and still communicating with every musicians ! B'coz he write notes and everybody follows , with perfect understanding nothing going wrong !)
We write the languages in 1-line, 2-line, 3-line 4-line notebook. (More we grow, we go on reducing the no of lines and finally landing up with no line at all !)
We are not fortunate enough to write a 5-line notebook in our life isn't it !
Now for music we use 5-line notebook called manuscript, each set of 5-line is called a Stave.

It is natural, if we have 5-lines, there will 4-spaces in between.
So A to G can be written on these lines and in between spaces in ascending order from bottom to top in line-space-line-space ..... and so on.
With these background in mind, we can proceed with the preliminaries of WCM !
Let us get started, OK ?
Dear CSR,
This is a Great News. I've been looking for this all over.
Keep up your Great Work.
Dear CSR! I have started the WCM from today onwards. I will continue attending the classes from today. Thanks for talking the class again.
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